

Business Spotlight - Wismed

For a start-up company and small business, it is important to find (through innovation and research) a niche field and become extremely good at this field. This is the best way to compete with larger companies and to achieve progress, but it is also the glue that keeps teams together.

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Dessie Nikolova
Understanding Renal Hydrodynamics

Good visibility should not come at the cost of a vastly increased intrarenal pressure and associated risk of pyelotubular and pyelovenous backflow, which in turn may lead to Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) or full-blown sepsis.

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Dessie Nikolova
Irrigation Volume During Ureterorenoscopy

During flexible renoscopy and stone lithotripsy there are two contradicting irrigation requirements. The first is the need to achieve visibility and calls for large amounts of irrigation. The other, is the need to control intrarenal pressure ensuring it is as low as possible, which in turn calls for as little irrigation as possible.

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Dessie Nikolova
Meet Wismed CEO, Pawel Wisniewski

As the saying goes, overnight success doesn’t happen overnight. Having started Medical Device Company – Wismed, nearly two decades ago, Polish-born Pawel Wisniewski and CEO has been recognized in Europe with award of funding in the category of Intelligent Development by the EU to foster innovation and research in minimally invasive urology and to expand the company’s product offering.

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Dessie Nikolova