

Advantages of the Snug Sling

Easy to use Snug Sling provides relief from pain and swelling due to inflammation and injury to the limbs by providing comfortable elevation. Suitable for post-operative use in orthopedics, oncology and plastic surgery.


Inflammation is a localized physical condition which is a reaction to an injury or infection. Inflammation acts as the body’s defense mechanism.

The five signs of inflammation are pain, heat, redness, swelling and loss of function of the injured limb. Swelling and heat results due to increased blood flow to the affected area.

Oedema & Lymphedema

Oedema occurs when small blood vessels leak fluid into nearby tissues resulting in swelling.

Oedema commonly occurs in patients who have suffered from upper limb trauma such as sports related injuries, fractures during motor vehicle accidents and dog bites.

Lymphedema is swelling of the legs or arms as a result of damaged lymph nodes- tissue that helps filter germs and waste from our body. The lymph nodes may be damaged due to cancer and its associated treatments such as surgery and radiation.


Elevation of the injured limb, such as the arm, above heart level reduces pain and swelling as there is decreased fluid accumulation. Fluid is encouraged to flow away from the site of injury.

Limiting movement - the injured limb needs to be secured in an upright position and movement needs to be limited.

Snug Sling - Uses and Benefits

Snug Sling can be used both at hospitals and at home for post-operative treatment of pain and swelling. It can be used by breast cancer patients to encourage lymphatic drainage and reduce lymphedema.

The size of the Snug Sling is adjustable with a Velcro strap used as a fastener. Snug Sling is available two different sizes -regular and length and extra long, and is registered with Medikredit.

Dessie Nikolova